Article | 27 Nov 2014

Why and How should companies blog?

Posted in Business, Top tips, Tools & Advice,

The most common ways to monetize a corporate blog are via advertisers’ ads, promoting your product/service, premium membership, display advertising and affiliate advertising.

Advertisers pay you to place ads within specific posts, you can advertise your product or service, and you can charge your community.

Why should Companies BLOG new design

Affiliate advertising – add affiliate links and online merchants to your content.

Premium membership – charge your community to access parts of your content.


  • 77% of internet users read blogs = 329 million per month
  • 23% of total time on the internet is spent on blog

Effective communication 

  • +67% more leads generated by B2B companies
  • +97% more inbound links
  • +126% more leads generated by small businesses
  • 37% of marketers consider blogs as the most important type of content marketing.
  • 70% of consumers learn about a company through articles rather than ads
  • 90% of consumers find customer content useful
  • 82% enjoy reading relevant content from a blog
  • 60% of consumers think positively about a company after reading their blog because ‘Interesting Content’ is one of the top 3 reasons people follow brands.

Monitor your blog:  Content:

  1. Publish frequently – at least once a week
  2. Clear philosophy – the editing process should not take long
  3. Varied perspectives – open your blog to a wider audience
  4. Balance the old with the new – revitalize and attract consistent readers


  1. Good domain name – think about relevant keywords, brand name
  2. Cheap 7 reliable hosting solution – rackspace start-up program,
  3. Use SEO techniques – keywords, sitemaps, meta descriptions... or call an expert
  4. Relevant advertising
  5. Affiliate programs – same field or sector than yours, must be relanted
  6. Use the social networks – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
  7. Check your statistics – WordPress tools, Google Analytics, SimilarWeb...


  1. Develop a comment policy – develop a transparent and consistent protocol regarding the treatment of comment
  2. Deepen existing customer relations – convert your readers into your community
  3. Build a starting audience – take advantage of your social shere to create the buzz
  4. Market services to readers – identify your users’ profiles to have appropriate strategies for each one

Now, who are you? The corporate

  • 8% of blogs
  • 70% Share experience
  • 61% Gain professional recognition
  • 52% attract new clients

The entrepreneur

  • 13% of blogs
  • 76% Share experience
  • 70% Gain professional recognition
  • 68% attract new clients

