We don't work with hobbyists. Every fintech content writer on our platform is a proven pro with a strong track record. We make sure of that.
You need quality, not quantity. That's why we sift through thousands of freelancers to show you just a handful of people we think you need to meet.
Once you're happy with the work provided, you pay the freelancer their pre-agreed fee and pay us a small 15% commission. And that’s all there is to it.
I'm a PR, writer and marketer with 20 years' agency experience. My industry experience includes insurance, fintech, construction, retail, technology and IT.
Clients: hodl finance, MetaRembrandt, Wessex
I am a storyteller with almost 10 years experienc. I specialise in breaking down content, however complex, and communicating it in a way that works to hit the objective.
Clients: Financial Times, Smart Search, Hitachi Finance
I’m a copy and content writer. My mission is to bring clarity, energy and authority to your written comms. I love exploring clients' brands and capture what makes them different.
Clients: ClauseMatch, PayPal, HSBC, Mastercard
Our smart technology does all the leg work for you. From finding the right freelancers to sorting timesheets, we make getting the 'job done' simple.
As soon as you post your brief, we’ll start matching you with freelancers we think are a good fit for what you need.
After you’ve had a look at their backgrounds and portfolios, we’ll connect you directly – so you can discuss the project and agree costs.
Once you book them on the project, they’ll get straight to work. Then they’ll ask you to you sign off the work and their costs.
As soon as you've signed it off, we'll send you an invoice for their costs which will include our 15% service charge. And thats all there is to it.