We don't work with hobbyists. Every Reputation Management Freelancer on our platform is a proven pro with a strong track record. We make sure of that.
You need quality, not quantity. That's why we sift through thousands of freelancers to show you just a handful of people we think you need to meet.
Crisis management, PR and Media relations. These freelancers are best suited to take care of your business’s reputation.
Corporate communications professional, highly skilled at influencing senior stakeholders and developing strong third-party relationships in order to enhance reputation.
Clients: Cow & Gate, WSP, Ashden
I have particularly strong experience of developing multimedia campaigns, crisis and change communications and using thought leadership to drive brand positioning.
Clients: Allen & Overy, Peerpoint, Fitch Ratings
I have worked at director level directly with organisations and via PR agencies. I also specialise in social media, reputation management etc.
Clients: P&G, Orsus, GSK
Create a profile and instantly connect to companies looking for experts like you. Start a conversation, discuss deliverables with pre-approved clients.
Once we’ve checked you measure up, we’ll get your profile live and start matching you with briefs that look a good fit for your skills and experience.
When you find a brief you like the look of, we’ll connect you and the client direct – so you can discuss the brief and quote for the work.
After they book you on the project, it’s over you to deliver the work and get client signoff. Business as usual.
As soon as it’s signed off, we invoice the client for the agreed amount plus our 15% service fee. Then we pay you your full fee the moment the money lands in our account.