Article | 01 Nov 2017

The eight ways the PRCA is supporting your career

Posted in Freelancer, Top tips, Tools & Advice, Motivation & inspiration, Learning,

The Work Crowd and the PRCA are celebrating a year of working together in partnership to benefit the freelance PR community. The PRCA is dedicated to working with and improving on what benefits they offer their members. 

So if you have been thinking about joining the PRCA we have put together the top eight reasons why you should today.

Whether you are an individual working within an in-house team, or an independent consultant managing your own micro-business, the PRCA provides you with the recognition that you are a PR and communications practitioner that adheres to the highest professional standards.

Over the last 12 months, the PRCA has launched the PRCA Mental Health Toolkit, continues to champion high ethical standards within the sector, and announced Taylor Bennett Foundation as its charity of the year to promote ethnic diversity in PR and Communications.

  1. Training and qualifications:

    We all know how important it is to ensure skills are kept up to date. But as a freelancer, you unfortunately don't have the luxury to attend free training through the workplace. As a PRCA member you can benefit from a generous discount and keep your skills up to date at an affordable price.
  2. Events

    ‘It’s not what you know but who you know’ is an expression we hear quite often in many sectors but the PRCA strives to bring both together. As well as their extensive range of training and qualifications available to members they also host a range of events from conferences and awards to Members Events designed exclusively for networking. The best part is not only do you receive a discount but many of their events are also free.
  3. Join the PRCA CPD Programme for free

    To help maintain your edge and build, and develop your career, you can join the only CPD (Continuous Professional Development) programme that is accredited by over 18 partners for free.
  4. PRCAXtra

    Everyone loves a bargain! PRCAXtra is a scheme created exclusively for PRCA members to help save time and money. Bringing you the best deals and discounts on a wide range of products and services from holidays to home insurance, energy bills to everyday grocery shopping – PRCAXtra can help save you time and money.
  5. Designatory Letters

    PRCA Designatory Letters are the mark of professionalism and highlight members’ commitment to industry standards and the PRCA’s Code of Conduct and Professional Charter.
  6. Join Regional and Sectoral Groups

    If you’re looking to grow your professional network and increase your industry knowledge, the PRCA has over 30 Sectoral Groups for you to join, as well as National and Regional Groups so you are never too far from your PRCA community.
  7. Information is Power

    Stay ahead of the game by having access to best practice guidelines, research and industry data. With a wealth of information and analysis available to you, you will always be well on every aspect of PR and communications.
  8. Campaigns

    The PRCA takes pride in its role of campaigning to improve standards, representing the value of the PR and communications industry, and defending its rights.

To celebrate a year of working together, the PRCA is offering members of The Work Crowd a 50% reduction in their freelancer and private membership. Normally priced a £100 + VAT per annum, the price will be £50 + VAT per annum for membership.

Get in touch today and claim your code before 5th December, 2017.

Contact us today!


Tagged in networking,