Article | 04 Nov 2016

The Benefits Of Working With Your Pet

Posted in Freelancer, Learning,

With busy schedules, work commitments, long commutes and restrictions on taking pets into work, not everyone has the ability to enjoy the benefits a pet can bring. Pet ownership has a number of proven health benefits, including physical, mental and emotional improvement.

As a freelancer, it is much easier to have a pet as you can manage your own schedule, choose to work in pet-friendly working spaces or even work from home!  And recent research has also shown that it can benefit the quality of your work too! Our founder's pup Pepsi (pictured above) enjoys the perks of a pet-friendly office!

Better together

For freelancers who work remotely, flexible hours and the luxury to create an independent schedule allow for longer walks, emergency vet visits and lots of cuddles. The recent explosion of pet-friendly co-working spaces across the globe, are a prime resource for freelance pet owners in search of a solution. More offices are waking up to the benefits of allowing pets, so as a freelancer even if you are working on-site you can often still enjoy the benefits of having a pet nearby.

C2C: Client to Canine relations

Having your pet by your side is not only great for personal wellness, but can also help client relations. Our Business Development Executive recalled meeting the clients pup before a big meeting was an immediate ice breaker, resulting in a relaxed atmosphere for both parties. Jane Popick of Inc confirms that including an animal in the workday is great for office culture as well as engaging customers and enhancing a brand.

Happiness Helpers

George Elliot said it best, “Animals are such agreeable friends they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms”. When a work environment includes a pet, levels of productivity and tranquility are exponential. Having the ability to step outside for a bit of fresh air with your pet has been found to produce clarity on a difficult situation or simply release endorphins necessary to tackle the day with positivity.

Positive Outcomes

A recent study on pets in the workplace suggests, “The benefits go far beyond just reducing worker stress. Dog owners who were allowed to bring their dog to work reported high perceived organizational support.” Randolph Barker, lead author on the study says, “It’s a low cost wellness benefit and it could be a recruiting opportunity for businesses.” Not only are pets in the workplace a healthy addition for owners, upper-level management are now aware of how pets positively affect an entire business.

Rush less, work more

A modern work-life balance is one which not only supports individuality but freedom from the burden of leaving a pet at home alone for hours, or rushing at the end of the day to tend to an animal. Bob Vetere, president and CEO of the American Pet Products Association explains, “Employers are starting to realize that having a millennial bring a pet into work, you wind up getting a more focused employee, you get someone more comfortable at the office and a person willing to work longer hours.”

Over the last decade the work-life routine has changed dramatically. If you do have the luxury of having your pet with you during a work day, we would love to see it!

Capture a moment working with your pet, Tweet or Facebook the photo using #ItsADogsLife and you will be entered into our photo competition! Win a Christmas stocking filled with pet-friendly goodies your furry friend will love! To read more about the competition and our fab partners click here.

