Article | 10 Oct 2014

Content marketing goes universal

Posted in Marketing, Digital, Learning,

Tweets. Pins. Posts. Hashtags. Today’s marketing does more than jump from the page. With the rise of social media in recent years and sharing platforms like Pinterest joining the ranks the obstacle of how to best reach the audience has become more complex.

So what internet portals are the hottest for achieving increased circulation?

Let’s break the platforms down by relevance and purpose.

Facebook has become a household name over the years, having morphed from a friend connector to a diversified powerhouse that serves businesses as well. The days of paying for page space to advertise your business have quickly disintegrated into something of the past. Today’s big dogs in marketing lead with a quick, one-two punch delivered by social media’s organic, instantaneous reach. In 2013, 74% of all marketers indicated that Facebook is the most important channel for their social lead generation plan (NewsCred, 2013).

Twitter, with its own language of tweets and hashtags, pumps brand awareness through static retweets and the hashtag. The ability of the hashtag to corral likeminded messages and photos from all over the world means content marketing moves at lightning speed, resulting in heightened circulation of brand awareness.

Pinterest, being an image-driven platform, is unique in that it can help to solidify a marketing strategy by pinning images that capture what is being promoted. Content distribution has never been so readily accessible or easily communicated until now. So what do all these technological milestones mean for the evolving face of content marketing?

The challenge to distribute compelling content to various markets around the world is more feasible with the connectivity that social media provides. A tweet about a specific product could be retweeted, or discovered through a hashtag, which could mean the difference between 100 prospective customer views and 15,000. As social media continues to enliven the marketing-sphere, brand circulation is fed with riveting content that is distributed at the touch of a point and click.

By Camille Todaro


Tagged in advice, marketing, promotion,