Article | 22 Jul 2024

The Rise of CEO Influence: Why Thought Leadership PR Is Intrinsic To Business Growth

Posted in PR and Communications, Business, Industry news, Top tips, Tools & Advice, Client,

Gone are the days of the invisible CEO. The no-face-to-a-name leader who sits in a Boardroom, delegating tasks and overseeing strategic activity behind closed doors. Now, modern leaders have two things in common: they’re visible and vocal.

The CEO is one of, if not the most influential figure within a business. They can drastically impact the market growth of a company, make (or break) a business’ reputation, shape internal culture and engagement, and overwhelmingly drive commercial strength.

Here’s why investing in thought leadership for your CEO could seriously accelerate your business growth – and ways to develop your strategy.

Corporate Brand vs. Personal Brand vs. CEO Brand

Corporate brands make your company tick. They’re your value proposition, mission and vision; narrative and visual identity; values and market power; and overall, they present your business’ purpose to its stakeholders. 

Personal brands are – as the name suggests – much more personal. They’re an intentional reflection of an individual’s identity, and often align someone’s values with their professional objectives or a broader mission.

A CEO brand, on the other hand, is its own function and usually a combination of the two. The CEO brand is intrinsically linked to the company they’re leading and the industry they operate in, and activity is often executed to help progress the strategic objectives of that business.

Suffice to say, this also means that the reputation of the CEO and the reputation of the company go hand-in-hand. Think of them like mirror images of one another; the stronger or weaker one is, the stronger or weaker the other is more likely to become.

Precisely where thought leadership PR becomes so critical.

The Impact of Thought Leadership PR

Brand Awareness & Share of Voice

Introducing your CEO as a key industry thinker and mover naturally expands a brand’s reach. The quality of thought leadership activity sends a clear and direct message that your company isn’t only on the radar, it’s a voice of authority.

Reputation Building

Like we said: a company and CEO’s reputations are intrinsically linked. A CEO who not only promotes the values and mission of a brand, but embodies them sends a clear message of an authentic, joined-up organisation.

Risk Management

Similarly, a brand in crisis can be more effectively managed by a competent leader with a respected reputation and the right network (especially within the media) to tackle the issue head-on. Helping maintain market value, and steady the waters.

Partnerships & Investments

It’s as simple as this: the stronger the presence of your brand, the more opportunities you’ll gain access to. Combining excellent messaging with the right strategic channels can connect your CEO – and your brand – with other industry professionals. 


A strong CEO thought leadership strategy will incorporate a mix of earned, paid and owned channels, increasing the digital authority of your company, as well as the market authority. And, among other pluses, it can boost backlinks to your website.

Company Culture & Engagement

The CEO sets the tone for how a business operates,  communicates, enacts its values and adapts to change. A CEO with a positive reputation and vocal presence internally will help drive talent attraction and retention, and establish a more fulfilled, engaged workforce.

Thought Leadership PR Strategy: 6 Key Tactics 

Nailing your CEO’s brand means first developing a strong TL strategy. What direction you take will depend on a whole host of factors, but there are a number of best practices that can significantly accelerate your impact.

  • Bylines & Op.Eds. This is one of the most effective activities to deploy. It enables you to ‘introduce’ your CEO to the market, build their position, and establish them as a true leader and influencer in their subject matter.
  • Newsjacking. In addition to building your CEO’s (or leader’s) presence, this tactic can improve media relations by offering contributions or commentary to reporters covering a relevant news story or event.
  • TV & Radio. Mixed media enables you to actively target a wider audience and gain substantially more visibility. TV and radio may be more applicable during current news or events, but ultimately gives your CEO relevance and credibility.
  • Podcasts. Podcasts are in demand across B2B, B2C, NGOs, political organisations and practically everyone in between. Leaders can share in-depth knowledge, and share more of their character to increase relatability and influence.
  • Social Content. It may sound obvious, but never underestimate the power of socials. Content should be aligned to the subjects, issues and ideas detailed in your strategy, but provide a more personal view of your CEO.
  • Events. Whether it’s hosting intimate roundtables for partners and peers, or speaking at wider industry conferences, having a very real, in-person presence is critical for leaders’ brands – and the businesses they lead.


The CEO is no longer just a signature at the end of a quarterly update email, a corporate headshot on the ‘About Us’ page of your website, or a figure who meets with investors. Today’s leaders are the face and voice of your company, and can be a hugely influential figure for your brand.

An effective thought leadership PR strategy can drive even the most ambitious of company objectives. They reinforce the goals and values of a business, drive reputational and commercial growth, help control narratives, and increase the standards within an organisation or even entire sector.

And importantly, great TL PR establishes your CEO as a leading thinker who is as relevant and recognisable, as they are relatable.

Want to increase your leadership reach and your brand strength? Let us help you with that. With The Work Crowd, you can gain access to a network of over 5,000 independent professionals from around the world, ready to build your CEO’s influence and impact in the market. Get in touch today to talk about your goals.

